4.2 Indicate the relevance of the following theories on the teaching of the performing arts in the Foundation Phase: • Piaget (3) • Vygotsky
Piaget's theory
Piaget's theory focus on the process of children's thinking not just it's products in that if a teacher check correctness of children's answers ,he should also be able to understand where they derive their answers.
Recognition of the crucial role of children's self initiated, active involvement in learning activities.
Acceptance of individual differences in the development process
This theory also focusses on the thinking development of children.
Vygotsky theory
This theory focusses on zone of proximal development. It allows the teacher to know what a learner is able to achieve through the use of a mediator and thus enables the teacher to help the child attain the goals by himself.
Through play and imagination a child's conceptual abilities are stretched.
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