1. Synthesise the authors perspectives and provide a strong argument about the role of phonics instruction in the development of reading.
2. evaluate the negative impact that is caused by poor phonics instruction.
3. explain how you would apply the knowledge of ZPD to develop the learners speaking skills. Give an activity that you would do with your Grade 2 learners
4. Outline two activities where you would use the class discussion strategy to develop listening and speaking skills among your Grade 3 learners.
5. teaching writing can be done in a series of lessons. Identify and evaluate the importance of teaching writing in a series of lessons with reference to writing cycle.
1. They aid beginning readers to understand the way letters are connected to sounds to make spelling patterns and sound-letter correspondes and to assist them in applying this knowledge in their learning.
2. It may cause failure of promoting comprehension whereby one may read an entire text without understanding it. Also, when a teacher does not understand phonics, they may misguide the students.
3.Depending on the tasks a child is already able to do, a teacher should guide them in small steps until they are able to complete the tasks completely. For example, training grade 2 learners how to color or draw.
4.One activity is, playing listening games. This makes the learners to be active by listening and making the right decision. Another activity is, mixing visuals with listening whereby learners view images while listening to what their teacher is saying.
5.Teaching students in a series of lessons enables learners to maintain perspective on their writing, to know that feedbacks are about specific aspects of their writing, and also discover they can master it.
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