Religion play vitle role on human life,Define the practical link and need of religion. Allah Almighty is self Sufficient Master, Explain it? What was the golden advice of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)about Ayat-ul-Kursi?
Religion plays a vital role in human life simply because it is a source of social concern religious community thus makes one have a sense of living through social well-being.
Allah Almighty is self-Sufficient, He depicted his self-Sufficiency through the creation of the order of the Universe in superb to necessitate man to witness His greatness.
The golden advice of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) about Ayat-ul-Kursi was that whoever narrates the first 4 ayats of Surah-e-Baqarah, then Ayatul Kursi, and then the last3 ayats of Surah-e-Baqarah will never get perpetration from any form of trouble in his wealth and entire life, whereas Shaitaan will never tempt him and he will be his soul will be firmly attached to the Quran.
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