Briefly indicate the importance of the following elements of a lesson plan:
i) Learning style
ii) Actualisation of pre-knowledge
iii) Teaching method
iv) Resources / teaching aid
v) Addressing barriers to learning
vi) Expanded opportunities
i) Learning styles are significant since most people prefer to learn in a certain way. Some people learn best by listening, others by observing every step, and yet others by doing it. To effectively commit information to memory, people require all three modalities: visual, aural, and kinesthetic. While most people are stronger in one area than another, the key is to figure out which modality is best for you and capitalize on your talents.
ii) The task of the instructor in assisting pupils' learning is never done. Understanding pupils' past knowledge is one of the basic ideas that instructors use to help them learn more effectively. It is common knowledge that students expand on what they already know and understand as a result of formal and informal experiences. As people go through life, they develop attitudes and beliefs. It is critical for the instructor to analyze such past information, attitudes, and beliefs early in the semester, because the knowledge pupils possess can either help or hinder their learning. It's also crucial to assess prior knowledge and skills early on, as this information may be utilized to assist students engage in the course and think critically.
iii) Teaching methods and approaches are crucial in instilling information in students; methodologies that are solely focused on the teacher will provide poor results; instead, methodologies that are student-centered and tailored to meet all learning types will yield better results. Regardless of religion, belief, or culture, a competent teacher should be willing and able to experiment with different teaching approaches in order to accomplish desired results. For the student to achieve the best results, the teaching approach is quite important. Every instructor must examine the learner and determine the approach to employ in order to achieve the best results. The age of the learners has a bearing on the methodology to be employed.
iv) Teaching aids are tools and equipment that are used in the classroom to support classroom lessons and increase student attention. It is critical to pique students' interest during the instructional process. The learning process can be effective if interest is adequately created. In any classroom, teaching aids are an essential component. Helping students enhance their reading comprehension abilities, showing or reinforcing a skill or concept, differentiating training, and reducing tension or boredom by presenting material in a new and entertaining way are just a few of the many advantages of teaching aids. They also engage students' other senses because there are no restrictions to what teaching aids can be used to accompany a lesson.
v) Trusting our students to discover their way is an important part of assisting them to achieve. When we educate, we must also have the fortitude to step back and allow our students to forge their own paths to overcome learning obstacles. When we see them stall and struggle, which they will certainly do, this can be difficult. This does not, however, imply that we must rush forward and supply the answer. In fact, these are the greatest times to act as a "guide on the side" and encourage students to think in new ways.
vi) Outside of the typical school day, expanded learning opportunities (ELOs) provide kids with safe, controlled, and engaging learning environments that support and complement what they study throughout the day. NCSL has produced a series of papers to bring state legislatures up to date on current ELO policy and developments.
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