What is your understanding of the total physical response? How does this method differ from code switching? Your discussion must focus on the following aspects:
i. Description of the approach
ii. What is the role of the teacher?
iii. What are some characteristics of the teaching/learning process?
iv. What is the nature of student teacher interaction?
v. How are the feelings of students dealt with?
vi. What areas of language are emphasised?
vii. What is the role of the students’ home language?
viii. How is EFAL acquired?
ix. How does the teacher respond to student errors?
x. What are the positives and negatives of each approach?
i. It is a method of teaching language or vocubulary concepts by using physical movement to react to verbal input.
ii. The teacher has the responsibility of providing the best kind of exposure to language so that the learner can internalize the basic rules of the target language
iii. It is teacher centered
Grammer is taught inductively
Learning is maximized in a stress free environment
No requirement for a learner to speak until ready
Commands later given by learners to teacher and others
iv. The teacher interacts with the whole group of students and with individual students. The students respond non verbal if the teacher is speaking.
v. Total physical response was developed to reduce the stress people feel when they study foreign language.
vi. Vocubulary and grammatical structures are embedded within imperatives. The spoken language is emphasized over written language.
vii. The teacher gives a command in target language and performs it with students. Meaning in target language can always be conveyed in action.
viii. It is acquired through active interaction with the students making easier to learn.
ix. Teacher should be tolerant to them and only correct major errors
x. Positives;
It is fun
Easy to implement
Reduces stress and pressure to students
Can be used in large and small classes
Only for young teenagers and children
Only for limited courses; drilling and repetitives
Only focussed on listening comprehension and speaking.
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