Understanding the vocabulary of the learners is the key goal for every teacher.
As a teacher, I will plan a vocabulary extension lesson for my learners in which I will make sure that after explaining the day’s lesson I will give my learners the chance to reflect and expound fully their knowledge on how they have understood the lesson. Through this, the learners will be able to better understand the vocabulary as compared to when the lesson is more teacher-centered.
Secondly, through my vocabulary extension lesson, I will give my learners time so that they can go through the text that will be taught on that day then after going through the text they discuss it with their friends and finally explain in their own words what the text is all about. In this, they can reflect on their past vocabularies such as Puppy, Pawpaw, press, plateau, plain, plant among others.
Thirdly, in my vocabulary extension lesson, I will ensure that I give my learners a chance to orally explain their understanding of the text taught. This will make me a teacher understand the areas that my learners didn’t understand and I will be able to reinforce such areas for better understanding of the content by my learners.
My vocabulary extension lesson will also involve a question and answer teaching method whereby I will ask them questions related to the content taught to make them understand the vocabulary by associating them with the whole lesson. This is because vocabulary is more understood when the teacher makes the learners active by associating them to the lesson by asking them questions. The oral part of it in languages effectively ensures that the vocabulary sinks in their minds. I engage them in pronouncing them like “P for Parrot” and they do it repeatedly.
In addition, I would develop my learners understanding of the vocabulary by ensuring that my content is full of pictures. This is because learners in their early stages of education understand the knowledge better when it is in the image as compared to when the content is in word form.
Finally, I will make sure that I give my learners assignment which is related to the text taught in that day. This will help me assess my learners and be able to know the extent to which they have understood the text learned.
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