Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed and the idea of what has come to be known as "critical pedagogy" pose education in a different light than many other educational philosophies. Do any of the points made by Freire speak to you? Is there something you intensely disagree with? What are your views on the idea of critical pedagogy?
Paulo Freire’s critical Pedagogy believes that teaching should challenge learners to examine power structures and patterns of inequality within the status quo. Freire believes education should liberate human beings, enabling us to help build a world in which it is easier to work together and care for one another.
I however disagree with the Freire's theory on one occasion. The theory assumes that there is an equal opportunity in a democratic society which is not true in reality. Opportunity is a factor of the social class one belongs to.
To me, the idea of critical pedagogy is great and needs implementation because it presents education in equal measure and an opportunity to liberate, and as a tool that imposes values in a person.
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