Using your unit resources, philosophical self-assessment, and any additional resource you feel are appropriate, provide an in-depth analysis of your chosen educational theory. In your composition include the major details of the philosophy, why this philosophy speaks to you, and how your belief in this philosophy impacts your classroom practice.
Connectivism is a new learning theory that was established on the premise that people process knowledge by establishing connections. This philosophy is really appealing to me because it was created in the digital and technological eras. It has been able to adapt to changes in these fields. This new hypothesis proposes that people no longer cease learning after completing formal schooling and instead continue to learn through various means such as job skills, networking, experience, and information access through new technological technologies. Connectivism is seen as a reflection of our fast-changing society. Society is becoming increasingly complicated, socially connected, global, and mediated by technological improvements. It is the orchestration of a complex jumble of thoughts that are linked together to generate specific data sets. A variety of viewpoints contribute to different ways of knowing. Individual control is not possible; rather, it is a partnership of current ideas as seen through the lens of current reality. The ability to recognize connections between knowledge sources and preserve those connections in order to support continuous learning is the key skill. Decisions are aided by rapidly changing fundamentals, as fresh knowledge is rapidly assimilated to generate a new thinking atmosphere. This ongoing updating and shifting of knowledge can also be found outside of the learner, in databases or other specialized information sources. Connectivism provides an educator with a model or mental representation of something that cannot be immediately viewed or experienced. Online learning, without a doubt, is a direct technical response to various learning cultures, methods, and ideas. Instructors will be able to construct an interactive, realistic environment for students in an online environment using a combination of 3D interactive graphics and web technology (Web3D).
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