Name seven learning styles and explain each by giving examples
Expert's answer
The seven types of learning are;
Visual learning- this is where people learn best through the use of diagrams, pictures and videos. An example is through the use of visual maps and doodling for young learners.
Auditory learning- this is also called the aural learning and it involves learning through listening for the optimal performance. An example is through group discussions.
Verbal learning- this involves learning through speaking or writing things down. Verbal learners like to interact with tongue twisters and rhymes. An example of verbal learning is seen in practicing public speaking and scripting roles.
Kinesthetic- this is also called physical learning and is done through undertaking physical activities rather than reading. An example is the practical in science learning. Also, physical education activities involve kinesthetic.
Mathematical- this is also called logical learning and it involves learning through numbers. An example is the recognition of patterns, and easy connection to complex patterns. It is seen in research fields.
Social or interpersonal learning- this is learning through socialization or constant communication with others. An example is coaching and counselling services.
Personal learning- this is learning in private. It involves learning alone and far from others for optimal outcomes. An example is learning through experiences.
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