provide an example of a reading activity where you apply transactionalism in the classroom to:
2.3.1 enforce the readers authority
2.32 encourage learners to ask questions
2.3.1 As a teacher, I will apply transactional by asking readers to make connections, make predictions and visualize meaning. Involve emergent readers with the text by having students make predictions about the text. The transactional theory signifies that both the reader and the text play important roles in the formation of meaning. Meaning is produced by the continuous transactions between the reader and the text, employing the meaning potential of the text and the reader's experiential reservoir.
2.3.2 In encouraging learners to ask questions, I will activate background knowledge related to the text by completing a Know, Want to Know, and Learned (KWL) column chart. I have to increase comprehension of the text through think-pair-share activities. To encourage questions, pair students up and have them generate questions about the text, discuss ideas they have had about the text or things they think are important within it. Provide a list of questions for discussion to lead their conversation. Questions should be open-ended to invite various interpretations of the text. In this case, the learners will be ready and willing to ask questions.
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