Explain the types of commutative exercise that can be used in the language classroom
Next level role plays.Role playing is an important communicative activity. It allows your students to practice the target language in a safe environment where mistakes are no big deal. They’ll get a feel for what it’s like wielding the language in different situations and contexts.
This is the difference between you talking about a “hammer”—how to hold it, the different parts and uses—and your students actually “swinging the hammer around,” pounding the walls or aiming for the nail.
The talk show interview. Here, students will experience what it’s like being the host of a talk show or being the guest answering questions in front of a live studio audience.
Objectified. Have students draw from rolled sheets of paper containing names of different objects. Their job, using the target language, is to describe and give plenty of hints so that the class can discover what the object is.
What I youtubed last weekend. Notice how students, in their spare time, click that “share” button quite often? They pass onto others some interesting, funny, inspirational and awesome videos. It gives them great pleasure to let their friends see what they’ve seen. They want their friends get the same laugh, feel the same tug to the heart or the same jaw-dropping experience.
News reporting. Here students perform anchor duties and tell the news using the target language.
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