briefly and explain five ways to teach vocabulary development in the classroom
Show students how to recognize new words
Connecting new words to an object in the real world is the most effective technique to help pupils remember and retain them. Real-world stuff are even better than pictures and flashcards.
Use Tiers.
Sort the words into three different categories. Tier 1 contains fundamental words that do not require instruction, whereas Tier 2 has high frequency words that are used to discuss more sophisticated issues in a variety of scenarios. Tier 3 vocabulary offers very precise, low-frequency content.
create a stack of vocabulary words you’re working on
Add a card when you introduce new words. Use index cards and just write the term in large letters on the front. You'll be surprised how often you can pick them up, pull a card, and play a brief game or review with your pupils.
Reinforce their rememberence to new words
After a word has been introduced, we want students to see it at least 10 more times so it sticks.
Work at a realistic pace
Is it possible for your students to learn 30 new words per week? It's important to remember that just because you finish the book or word list doesn't mean your students will remember everything.
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