do you think containing the spread of the pandemic has led to fundamental human rights being compromised by our law enforcement officials
Guaranteeing human rights for everyone poses a challenge for every country around the world
to a differing degree. The public health crisis is fast becoming an economic and social crisis and
a protection and human rights crisis rolled into one. In some, ongoing crises, especially armed
conflict, put human rights and other international legal protections under extra pressure. The
COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated the vulnerability of the least protected in society. It is highlighting deep economic and social inequalities and inadequate health and social protection systems that require urgent attention as part of the public health response. Women and men, children, youth and older persons, refugees and migrants, the poor, people with disabilities, persons in detention, minorities, LGBTI people, among others, are all being affected differently.
In what ways can victims of crime be better assisted in criminal justice system in South Africa (125 words)
What is the impact of social media on racism (125 words)
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