Explain the main aspects of citizenship education in the United Kingdom
Democracies need active, informed and responsible citizens - citizens who are willing and able to take responsibility for themselves and their communities and contribute to the political process. The general procedures used to develop educational objectives for the National Assessment of Educational Progress are outlined, as are the procedures used to develop citizenship objectives. Ten general objectives are stated: "show concern for the welfare and dignity of others"; "support rights and freedoms of all individuals"; "help maintain law and order"; "know the main structure and functions of our governments"; "seek community improvement through active, democratic participation"; "understand problems of international relations"; "support rationality in communication, thought and action on social problems"; "take responsibility for own personal development and obligations"; "help and respect their own families"; and "nurture the development of their children as future citizens." Each objective is divided into sub-objectives, and behaviors are suggested appropriate for four chosen age levels: 9-, 13-, and 17-year olds, and adults. Appendices list the names of experts, of lay panel chairmen, and of educational organizations involved in developing the objectives. (EB) Primary type of information provided by report: Assessment Instrument (Objectives); Procedures (Objectives Development
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