Malaria is an infectious diseases caused by parasites transmitted to people through female Anopheles mosquitoes. Each year, over half a billion people will become infected, with roughly 80% of them living in sub-Saharan Africa. Nearly half a million people die of malaria every year and the death toll is rising. while there have been many programs designed to improve access to malaria treatment, the best way to reduce the impact of malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa is to focus on reducing the number of people who contract the disease in the first place, rather than waiting to treat the disease after the person is already infected.
5 b) Read through the essay and identify three ways in which reading and writing are connected.
Reading and writing are connected in such a way that they both depend on similar skills. Notably, when students receive writing instruction, their reading fluency and comprehension improve. The ability to link sounds together to construct words is reinforced when students read and write the same words. Furthermore, writing instruction improves reading comprehension and the teaching of writing skills — such as grammar and spelling lessons — reinforce reading skills. Research suggests that reading and writing skills are best developed when taught and practiced in conjunction
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