One of the factors that can inhibit reading is the false notion that a first reading must result in immediate understanding. Write a well-substantiated paragraph of TEN lines in which you agree or disagree with the statement. Provide suitable reasons to support your argument.
The first time you read something, it doesn't always mean you'll grasp it right away. This, however, is dependent on the individual. Some people's brains digest data quickly, whereas others do not. There are several phases to understanding what you're reading. The pre-reading stage is the first. It entails establishing a reading goal, previewing the content, and utilizing prior knowledge. The reader makes and revises predictions in the second step, which is the actual reading. After you've finished reading, you'll go on to the final step. It allows the reader to retell the story, respond to questions, and even construct summaries based on the reading. This leads to comprehension.
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