3.1 In the social constructivist view, learning occurs through participation. How can you
relate to this? Can you recall any instances, in any context, where you learnt through
participation? Discus your experiences with the social constructivist view in
3.2 Choose a theory and explain how it aligns with your view of teaching science?
3.3 No one theory about learning applies to all children. How will you cater for the
different learners in your science classes?
3.4 Explain how you would modify a lesson plan for the inclusion of one group of
learners above. You should think about: (5)
a. Ability levels of students
b. Their prior knowledge
c. Literacy and numeracy level
d. Learners’ cultural backgrounds
e. How you will use technology to enhance the student experience.
3.3 .I would encourage active learning . This would include group learning, case based learning and summarising the work load. As a result, all learners will feel at home with the lessons.
3.4 .
1) set out easily achievable objectives.
2) Break down the objectives and lesson plans into feasible and progressive steps.
3) make use of activities that provide different approaches and outcomes.
4) select, develop and use a wide range of resources to meet the various needs of all learners.
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