A predecessor of a word processor is
Word processor evolved due to the needs of writer majorly.
The first invention in the middle age was a typewriter by Henry Mill.Later on a manual typewriter was again invented but it had a major drawback to its users, a user can only review his work after finishing typing that is it only printed on the underside of the roller.After several years of improvement the typewriter was gradually accepted to use.Thomas Edison later on came up with an electric typewriter which was later overtaken by the automatic typewriter which was a bigger step in the typewriters history.
IBM introduced the Selectric typewriter that was replaced by the standard movable carriage and individual type-strikers with a revolving type-balls. In 1964 MT/ST (Magnetic Tape/Selectric Typewriter), which was a combination of the features of the Selectric with a magnetic tape drive. Magnetic tape was tone of he first reusable storage medium for typed information. After the magnetic tape invention, other technologies systems are now less expensive during the innovation period. Afterwards,Lexitron and Linolex developed a similar word processing system, but this had better features in it such as video display screens and tape cassettes which helped a lot during storage of data . One could be able to view the text on the screen hence easier to edit before printing.
Floppy discs were later invented which could be used to hold programs , a major advancement from the wired inventions.This invention led to better systems afterwards till the recent word processors that we have today.
In conclusion, word processor has developed from machines that were so enormous to small discs that are movable and have better performance in terms of quality of work produced, time used and even format of producing the work which has helped a great deal in the writers environment.
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