The censorship that has spread throughout American education has pernicious and pervasive effects. It lowers the literacy level of test because test makers must take care to avoid language as well as works of literature and historical selections that might give offense. It restricts the language and the ideas that may be reproduced in textbooks. It surely reduces children’s interest in their schoolwork by making studies so deadly dull. It undermines our common culture by imposing irrelevant political criteria on the literature and history that are taught.
Mode of discourse:
Method of Development and Details:
Main Idea:
Mode of discourse: Argumentative
The writer takes a stand on the topic of censorship of
literary works. He tries to convince the reader that his stance is true by
presenting reasons and evidence to elicit logical agreement.
Topic: Censorship on American education.
Method of Development and Details: Descriptive
The writer develops the paragraph by detail with an intent to
persuade the reader. The topic sentence is supported by conceptual facts and
sense impression.
Main Idea: The censorship placed on American education is
negatively impacting the quality of education.
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