Design a standalone (off grid) PV system for the households in the village so that the following electrical appliances can be utilized: • 1 x 18 W fluorescent lamp running for 4 hours per day • 1 x 60 W fan run for 2 hours per day • 1 x 75 W refrigerator that runs 24 hours per day with compressor that runs 12 hours and off 12 hours The system will be powered by 12 VDC, 110 W PV module.
Calculating the power consumption demand
"=80*4+60*2+75*12=1340 W\/h"
The total PV energy needed = "1340*1.31742Wh\/day"
The size of the PV panel
The total watt-peak rating needed by the PV
The total number of PV needed "= \\frac{512.352}{110}=4.65"
Actual number = 5 modulus
Inester sizing
The total watt of all appliance = 80+60+75 =215
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