we know that, for two particular system we have,"T_1=175 K,T_2=400K" ,"n_1=2,n_2=1.5,n=n_1+n_2"
"\\Delta S= (\\frac{1}{T_1}-\\frac{1}{T_2})\\Delta U"
for adiabatic process , "\\Delta S=0, So,\\Delta U=0 , U_1=U_2"
now we know that
"\\frac{1}{T_1}=\\frac{3}{2}R (\\frac{n_1}{U_1})"
and also we know that fundamental equation of state for two particular system for adiabatic condition
"n_1R ln(\\frac{n_1}{n})+n_2R ln(\\frac{n_2}{n})=nRln(\\frac{U^{1.5}V}{n^{2.5}})"
"2R ln(\\frac{2}{3.5})+1.5R ln(\\frac{1.5}{3.5})=3.5Rln(\\frac{U^{1.5}0.025}{3.5^{2.5}})"
on solving this we get value of U as
U=11900 J
"\\frac{1}{T}=\\frac{3}{2}R (\\frac{n}{U})"
T=` 272.6 K
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