6) There is Something called the lattice Energy.Is that the energy needed to break the ionic bound between, in this case Mg2+...O ? in a mgso4 dissolved in distilled water?
7) How do I calculate how much energy i need to break all the Mg2+....O bounds in a 100 ml solution of Mgso4, at 20 degrees.
8) Would the calculation in 7) be different if i used mgso4*7h20 or mgso4*6h20 in the saturated solution.
The answer to the question is available in the PDF file https://assignmentexpert.com/https://assignmentexpert.com/homework-answers/chemistry-answer-71167.pdf
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23.11.17, 13:05
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Thomas jensen
22.11.17, 22:47
Thanks, yes. But a followup question is this. I also read that the
lattis energy It is the energy released when one mole of an ionic
compound is formed, how can it be both this and also the amount of
energy it takes to break the ionic bound and get each component into a
gas form. Because the starting point was Mgso4, not a gas form. What
am i missing in my thinking ?
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Dear Thomas, Unfortunately, your question requires a lot of work and cannot be done for free. Please submit it with all requirements as an assignment to our control panel and we'll assist you.
Thanks, yes. But a followup question is this. I also read that the lattis energy It is the energy released when one mole of an ionic compound is formed, how can it be both this and also the amount of energy it takes to break the ionic bound and get each component into a gas form. Because the starting point was Mgso4, not a gas form. What am i missing in my thinking ?
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