Characteristics and importance of water
water has 3 characteristics
1. Physical : Physical characteristics of water (temperature, colour, taste, odour and etc.) are determined by senses
of touch, sight, smell and taste. For example temperature by touch, colour, floating debris, turbidity
and suspended solids by sight, and taste and odor by smell.
2. Chemical : The health concerns associated with chemical constituents of
drinking-water arise mainly from the ability of chemical constituents to cause adverse health effects
after extended exposure time. There are few chemical constituents of water that can lead to health
problems resulting from even a single exposure. An appreciable number of serious health concerns
may occur as a result of the chemical contamination of drinking-water.
3. Biological : Water quality in developed and developing countries continues to deteriorate due to increased
movement of refugees in developing countries and natural disasters like flooding and droughts.
Waterborne diseases bigger than wars and AIDs
Importance of water :
Water is an essential nutrient and plays a key role in the human body. We can survive up to several weeks without food, but only a few days without water. Every system in the body, from cells and tissues, to vital organs requires water to function.
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