
The Peculiarities of Dividing Faculties and Specialties into “Male” and “Female”

To become an able and successful man in any profession,

three things are necessary, nature, study and practice.

 Henry Ward Beecher

A few decades ago, all activities were quite clearly divided into those where women can work, the ones where men can work and those where such a clear division was inessential. The “common” occupations included such as a doctor, accountant, journalist, etc. Professions, where the application of brute force was necessary, were considered as male; also the scope of policy and management was too. The women worked mainly as saleswomen, teachers, etc.

Today, a clear division of occupations practically does not exist, but, nevertheless, there are some features that are worth considering for applicants in the choice of a particular specialty.


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Organization of Student Exhibitions

Art is the proper task of life.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Exhibitions of student works are very important events as students in higher education are an emerging personality, who is responsible not only for diligent perception of knowledge, but also for a creative activity, development of their own projects. That is why the world famous university students after graduation are eligible to apply for the position, which corresponds to their qualifications, as evidence by providing prospective employer a series of different student projects.


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Student Conferences in Education: Their Importance and Demand

Today, only few people attached great importance to a variety of student conferences, seminars, meetings, etc. But their importance cannot be overstated, as these are forms of work, during which students can share their ideas and scientific developments, listen to presentations of their teachers and specialists in the field on the workshop issue, to express its point of view on an issue .


Filed under Homework Help.

The MBA Program – a Prospect for the Future

In recent years, the MBA degree has become a very popular in the world – about the prevalence of such courses serious discussions are conducted. So, if ten years ago, this degree was not accessible to all, but only to the very skilled professionals, then now many people can get it.


Filed under Homework Help.

Accelerated Learning Language Courses

The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.

Ludwig Wittgenstein


The fast pace of modern life makes it difficult for people to find the time for that is not a prerequisite of life – many of the cases and problems are postponed until better times, “for later” when there will be free time for an hour and you can pay attention to minor matters.

Therefore, when an employee of the company or the student has the opportunity to go abroad for work or training, suddenly it becomes clear that such a chance may be missed because of the language lack, which was safely forgotten after school and high school, or never studied. In such cases, the real salvation is accelerated language learning, by which in a matter of days and weeks, it is possible to get at least conversational skills – the minimum necessary in the early stages of normal life in a foreign country. These courses will cost much less than the same in England and France, and will allow in the first days of arrival feel more or less confident.


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Many modern short programs owe its birth to the specialists who came from consulting structures, and therefore they are designed for a target audience of owners and managers of small and medium-sized companies. Speaking about big companies, their managers generally have been trained and can effectively manage and operate. But the younger professionals just graduated from the universities have sufficient enthusiasm, but do not have the proper experience.



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Summer at Language Schools

Expand your horizons, learn another culture, and find a better job! Think about how many opportunities are opened to a person who speaks foreign languages. Interesting places to visit, new books to read, meet new exciting people and friends around the world! No matter what profession you choose, if you learn at least one foreign language – it will be a great advantage in your career. Moreover, a good knowledge of a foreign language (e.g. French or German) will allow you to get higher education abroad for free.


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