
Career without a Higher Education: Myth or Reality?

The phrase “higher education is required” in almost every vacancy announcement, unless it is a question of working careers. But does this mean that without higher education, you should forget about a career? After all, in fact, often a year of work experience is more than five years of sitting at lectures.


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The Effectiveness of Innovative Technologies in Education

The educational process never stands still and is gradually transformed by the emergence of new information technologies, teaching materials, items, the implementation necessity of which dictates the time itself and requirements of modern society. Innovative technology and design can greatly facilitate the work of teachers, students’ education and monitoring for academic progress of children by their parents.


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Business Trainings: Why are They so Vital?

Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations.

Steve Jobs

Every person makes mistakes – that is not an invention, but a lot of people conclude that they try to improve. Business requires continuous changes. So over the past few years, the world has undergone a fundamental change – new hardware, substantially developed information technology, society has turned from an industrial to the informational. This has greatly affected all sectors – education, business, economics, etc. Especially new trends in business, where success can be achieved only by confident staff who can work in a team and at the same time to make decisions independently, are clearly noticeable. Due to the new requirements of the market a business education is very up-to-date, the basic form of which is business training.


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Effective Use of Visual Materials in Training

The process of attaining awareness or understanding of sensory information is called perception. Types of perception are different but for education the most demanded are speech, color and form. Visual training equipment is tangible means of training used in the educational process for the formation of students’ knowledge, skills and abilities to manage their cognitive activity, common development and upbringing. Using visual training materials enhances the effectiveness of training, best storing of new information and understanding of even the most complicated formulas.

There are 3 main groups of visual equipment:

–  natural objects;

–  images and display of the objects and phenomena of reality;

–  the description of objects and phenomena of the world by signs, words and phrases of natural and artificial languages.


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Negative Impact of Technology on Learning

The Internet is becoming the town square for  the global village of tomorrow

Bill Gates

Modern technology has made everyone’s life easier, more fun and functional. With the Internet today, you can communicate with loved ones at great distances, to find large amounts of information in a few seconds, to make purchases and pay bills. The Internet gives the ability to find business ideas, browse the news. But on the education such information technology has not very good effect.

The indisputable advantage of the Internet on education is that the network offers unlimited opportunities to find information – necessary books, encyclopedic information, scientific articles, a documentary video, etc. Also for students the fact that they can now share their homework, found the information by e-mail, ICQ-client, Skype is very convenient.


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Peculiarities of IELTS Exam

Knowledge of English is now very difficult to overestimate, as any good job position in modern companies necessarily implies knowledge of at least one foreign language (at least English) and computer skills.


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Internships while Studying at University

Education is the best investment

Bill Gates

At all times, internship has been considered as an integral part of learning a profession. Indeed, in a university students receive only theoretical knowledge, which become the basis for the development of their chosen profession, but they cannot replace having a real experience. Some teachers and students tend to think of the main stages of learning as theoretical knowledge, others – practical, but none of the presented points of view is not correct. Comprehensive development of the profession and all its subtleties is possible only in case of the theory and practice combination.


Filed under Homework Help.