solve the following differential equation
The annual sells of a new company are expected to grow at a rate proportional to the difference between the sells and the upper limit of 20 million pounds . If the sells are 0 initially and 4million pounds after the 2nd year of operations. Determine if the companies sells during the 10th year and the year when the company sells will be 15million pounds.
"y=\\int \\dfrac{dx}{x^2-1}"
"y=\\dfrac{1}{2}\\int \\dfrac{dx}{x-1}-\\dfrac{1}{2}\\int \\dfrac{dx}{x+1}"
"y=\\dfrac{1}{2}\\ln |x-1|-\\dfrac{1}{2}\\ln|x+1|+C"
"\\int\\dfrac{dy}{y-20}=\\int kdt"
"\\ln(y-20)=kt+\\ln C"
"=13.4464\\text{ million pounds }"
"t_1\\approx12.425\\ years"
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