The Citizenship Education curriculum was revised in 2007/8 to focus on the 'Key Concepts' of Democracy and Justice, Rights and Responsibilities, and Identities and Diversity (Living Together in the UK), as well as the 'Key Processes' of Critical thinking and inquiry, Advocacy and representation, and Informed and responsible Citizenship education, provides people with the knowledge and skills to understand, challenge, and participate in democracy.
Democracies require active, informed, and responsible citizens - citizens who are willing and able to take responsibility for themselves and their communities while also contributing to the political process. The general procedures for developing educational objectives for the National Assessment of Educational Progress and the procedures for developing citizenship objectives are outlined. Ten broad goals are stated: "show concern for the welfare and dignity of others"; "support the rights and freedoms of all individuals"; "assist in the maintenance of law and order"; "understand the main structure and functions of our governments"; "seek community improvement through active, democratic participation"; "understand international relations problems"; and "support rationality in communication, thought and action." Each objective is subdivided into sub-objectives, and behaviors are suggested for four age groups: 9-, 13-, and 17-year-olds, and adults. The names of experts, lay panel chairpersons, and educational organizations involved in developing the objectives are listed in the appendices.
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