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CEMS aims to produce graduates who are RARE citizens in the community where they live and work. The acronym, RARE, stands for …

A. ready, active, ready and employable.

B. responsible, active, ready and ethical.

C. responsible, accountable, relevant and ethical.

D. ready, accountable, resilient and employable.

The CEMS framework of graduateness skills and attributes addresses three holistic/overarching attributes that are regarded as important transdisciplinary enabling outcomes of a university education. These three addresses three holistic/overarching attributes are …

A. scholarship, global citizenship and, lifelong learning.

B. enterprising, interactivity and analytical.

C. goal-directed behaviour, ethics and responsibility.

D. employability, rareness and work readiness.

As you study and work, it will become evident in your day-to-day interactions that you display CEMS generic transferable meta-skills and personal attributes. The evidence for your analytical thinking skills consist of the skill to …

A. draw insightful conclusions.

B. monitor own performance.

C. identify business opportunities.

D. deal with team politics.

Q1. “The Mind is similar to an Ice-Berg, one-seventh of its bulk floats above the surface” Who said this and what does it imply? Explain with one specific example [2 Marks]

In which attachment type did Rebecca appear to be the beginning of the year

With regard to psychological and social well-being, the term "social coherence" is defined as ______.

A. a person experiencing the community as logical and predictable

B. a sense of direction towards specific goals

C. establishing conditions which can be managed

D. assisting society in achieving its potential

______ focuses on the optimal experience and functioning of an individual in all spheres of life.

A. Psychological integration

B. God life or eudaimonic happiness

C. Character strength

D. Pleasurable life or hedonism

Which theorist stated that treatment is not just fixing what is broken, but also entails nurturing what is best within people?

A. Rogers

B. Kelly

C. Seligman

D. Strümpfer

In the theory on psychological well-being, the term "sense of coherence" refers to ______.

A. confidence in capacities to achieve, like self-efficacy

B. protected use of strengths

C. enduring confidence to cope

D. positive, absorbed commitment

Which one of the concepts of psychological and social well-being in the four alternatives explains the behaviour and attitude of the person in the following example? “Cecilia finds that contributing effectively to her community is a great source of comfort to her”.

A. Self-acceptance

B. Social contribution

C. Social coherence

D. Social actualisation

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