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Differentiate between generalization and discrimination in classical conditioning. Discuss how Classical Conditioning can be used in Advertising? Provide one specific example

“The Mind is similar to an Ice-Berg, one-seventh of its bulk floats above the surface” Who said this and what does it imply? Explain with one specific example 

In your own words, briefly discuss the meaning of each principle underlying the strengths perspective mentioned below and how it applies to working with individuals. Substantiate your answer by providing one example for each of the principles mentioned. a) Every individual, group, family, and community has strengths. (3) b) Trauma and abuse, illness and struggle may be injurious, but they may also be sources of challenge and opportunity. (3) c) Assume that you do not know the upper limits of the capacity to grow and change, and take individual, group and community aspirations seriously (3) d) We best serve clients by collaborating with them. (3) e) Every environment is full of resources.

Well-being” implies ______.

focuses on the optimal experience and functioning of an individual in all spheres of life.

With regard to psychological and social well-being, the term "social coherence" is defined as 

The task that an individual can accomplish only with aasistance of more experienced person represent the learners

1. List and explain the main concepts of Goals of psychology.

2. Discuss the main concepts of 5 early thoughts (Schools of psychology).

3. Explain the concepts of 6 modern school of thought of psychology.

4. Explain the concepts 

A. Description research methods

B. Naturalistic observation

C. Case study

D. Servey

5. Explain briefly the concept of 

A. Corelational research

B. Experimental research


   √ copying other work makes no value

   √ Direct copying from internet and other sources if forbidden

1. Define psychological disorder briefly and describe its causes 

2. Discuss the following psychological disorder with hypothetical or real with examples.

  √ Mood disorder

  √ Anxiety disorder

  √ Personality disorder

3. What are the treatment mechanisms of mental illness? Elaborate them briefly.

4. Explain clearly the following terms

      √ Self awareness

      √ Interpersonal relationship

      √ Critical thinking

      √ Emotional intelligence

      √ Decision making

5. Discuss the importance of each the above terms to make life easy and give practical examples for each.

In the theory on psychological well-being, the term "sense of coherence" refers to 

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