Indicate the assessment instruments to be used when marking the activity
Diagnostic Assessment. When you structure diagnostic assessments around your lesson, you’ll get the information you need to understand student knowledge and engage your whole classroom.
Summative assessment. Summative assessments measure student progress as an assessment of learning and provide data for you, school leaders and district leaders.
Criterion-referenced assessments because it helps students to compare their score with their peers which in turn motivate them to perform better.
The value of alternative assessment is that it is used to determine what students can and cannot do, in contrast to what they do or do not know.
Purposes of assessment- Assessment informs students concerning their progress. When the assessment is done effectively students get a sense to be aware of what they are competent in and what they don't know. With this, they know their strengths and weaknesses too.
Assessment drives learning. Assessment should help students understand what they are expected to do, study, and also areas on which they have to spend time. Therefore assessment should be chosen carefully to direct students.
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