There are additional senses, according to livescience, and one of them is called proprioception. This sense deals with the brain and how it understands our bodies' demands, but "proprioception encompasses the sense of movement and position of our limbs and muscles." This sense allows us to touch the very tip of our nose with our hands/fingertips. With our eyes closed, we can accomplish this.
The National Institutes of Health conducted a study (NIH). People with poor proprioception, in particular through mechanosensation, were discovered to have poor proprioception in this study. I believe we may have inactive senses that we are unaware of, and the reason I believe this is because, according to Philip Perry in May 2019, we may have between 14 and 20 of them.
To be honest, I believe we should stick with the five main senses; expanding it would be confusing to all of us; however, learning all of our senses could help us cope with life in a more advanced age (such as the technological future that is upon us as we write this); we could have more than just over 14-20 senses when we are more technologically advanced. Although it would be nice to read other people's minds, I believe we should remain with the five main senses we have today because they are for life.
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