Web Development Answers

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1.When a JSF page is used to submit data to be saved in the database, what is a proper chronological ordering of events?

a. EL Expressions set values in Entity, Entity Facade calls Entity Manager method, database is updated.

b. Database is uploaded, EL Expressions set values in Entity, Entity Facade calls Entity Manager method

c. EL Expressions set values in Entity, Database is updated, Entity Facade calls Entity Manager method

d. Entity Facade calls Entity Manager method, Database is updated, EL Expressions set values in Entity

which partitioning set up could possibly reduce internal fragmentation and how?

Consider the following reference string: 7 0 1 2 0 3 0 4 2. Let the number of frames are 3 and 4. Show the allocation frames to the memory and calculate the number of page faults when LRU page replacement policy is used.

Using table and lists create two web pages, first displaying the list of all the course writers of 

BCS053 course. This information should be created in a table, the table should have a 

heading. The columns of the table should display the Unit number, unit name and unit 

writer’s name. The second page should display an unordered list, displaying the list of expert 

committee members of BCS053 course. You should use <div> tags, wherever needed; and create an internal CSS file, which formats the web pages as follows:

(i) The headings of the table must be in Bold and all other content should be in italics font.

(ii) The table heading should be in different shade. The data rows of the table should have 

alternatively light yellow and light green color. The background of the table should be 

light grey.

(iii) The font of the unordered list should be "Arial" with font size of 12 points. The 

background colour of list should be light red.

Create an external CSS file for this form. This CSS file should select the font size of 20 points for all the labels; font colour should be dark blue for the headings and black for normal text. The background colour of the form should be light yellow.

Responsive Navbar let's build an Responsive Navbar page by applying the CSS concepts

Medium (Size >= 768px), Large (Size >= 992px), and Extra Large (Size >= 1200px):


  • The links in the HTML nav element should be hidden in devices below 768px and visible in devices equal and above 768px.
  • The page should have two different background images in devices below 768px and devices equal and above 768px.
  • The links in the HTML nav element should be displayed when clicked on the menu icon in devices below 768px.
  • The links in the HTML nav element should be hidden when clicked on the close icon in devices below 768px.
  • Use classList.toggle() to show and hide the HTML elements.


  • Achieve the design using the CSS Flexbox layout and Media queries and Javascript.
  • Font Awesome Icons.


  • https://assets.ccbp.in/frontend/intermediate-rwd/landing-page-logo.png
  • https://assets.ccbp.in/frontend/intermediate-rwd/landing-page-sm-bg.png
  • https://assets.ccbp.in/frontend/intermediate-rwd/landing-page-lg-bg.png

Popular Blog

In this assignment, let's build a Popular Blog by applying the CSS concepts we learned till now.


  • The page should have two different background images for Marketing Strategies and Laptop cards in devices below 768px and devices equal and above 768px.


  • Achieve the design using the CSS Flexbox layout and Media querie


  • https://assets.ccbp.in/frontend/intermediate-rwd/popular-blog-marketing-strategies-lg-bg.png
  • https://assets.ccbp.in/frontend/intermediate-rwd/popular-blog-marketing-strategies-sm-bg.png
  • https://assets.ccbp.in/frontend/intermediate-rwd/popular-blog-coffee-bg.png
  • https://assets.ccbp.in/frontend/intermediate-rwd/popular-blog-fruits-bg.png
  • https://assets.ccbp.in/frontend/intermediate-rwd/popular-blog-nature-bg.png
  • https://assets.ccbp.in/frontend/intermediate-rwd/popular-blog-interior-bg.png
  • https://assets.ccbp.in/frontend/intermediate-rwd/popular-blog-laptop-lg-bg.png
  • https://assets.ccbp.in/frontend/intermediate-rwd/popular-blog-laptop-sm-bg.png

Scenario: ABC Supermarket is a local township supermarket based in Germiston, East rand of Johannesburg in

South Africa. The supermarket sells a wide variety of food and household products.

The supermarket takes online orders through their website and currently averages about 20 000

unique visitors to their website per day and has 10 content uploaders constantly updating their

website and making sure the site is always up-to-date. The website is in highest demand from 07:00

until 17:00 Mondays to Saturdays and very minimal activities on any other times. The website is hosted and managed locally by a small IT department of six employees. Besides not

coping with the website traffic load, the local energy supplier, Eskom has decided to implement load

shedding at different times of the day

Question A. Self-healing and redundancy(Marks: 30)

Explain any five recommendations that should be looked at related to the principles of selfhealing and redundancy in the design of the ABC supermarket module

What can seller do to protect themselves from customers who deny that they placed an

order. Explain.

a) Explain the following with the help of a diagram/example, if needed: 

(i) HTTP methods

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