Using table and lists create two web pages, first displaying the list of all the course writers of
BCS053 course. This information should be created in a table, the table should have a
heading. The columns of the table should display the Unit number, unit name and unit
writer’s name. The second page should display an unordered list, displaying the list of expert
committee members of BCS053 course. You should use <div> tags, wherever needed; and create an internal CSS file, which formats the web pages as follows:
(i) The headings of the table must be in Bold and all other content should be in italics font.
(ii) The table heading should be in different shade. The data rows of the table should have
alternatively light yellow and light green color. The background of the table should be
light grey.
(iii) The font of the unordered list should be "Arial" with font size of 12 points. The
background colour of list should be light red.
< head >
< title>Resume</title >
< /head >
< body >
<div id=”photo” style=”text-align: right;”>
< img src=”photo.jpg”/ >
< /div >
< div id=”tables” >
< h3>Educational Qualification:</h 3>
< table border =1>
< tr >
< th>Course</th >
< th>Year of Passing</th >
< th>University/Board</th><th>Percentage/Grade</th >
< th>Division</th >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td>Matriculation</td><td>Write passing year</td >
< td >
< a href=’’ >
Bihar School Examination Board, Patna
< /a >
< /td >
< td>Write percentage</td><td>Write Division</td >
< /tr > <
tr >
< td>Intermediate of Science</td><td>Write passing year</td >
< td >
< a href=’’ >
Bihar Intermediate education council, Patna
< /a >
< /td >
< td>Write percentage</td><td>Write Division</td >
< /tr > <
tr >
< td>Bachelor of Arts</td><td>Write passing year</td >
< td><a href=’’>Magadh University</a></td >
< td>Write percentage</td><td>Write Division</td >
< /tr >
< /table >
< br/ >
< table border =1>
< tr >
< th>Ongoing Course</th><th>Year of Passing</th >
< th>University/Board</th><th>Percentage/Grade</th >
< th>Division</th >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td>MCA</td><td>Pursuing (1st semester)</td >
< td><a href=’’>IGNOU</a></td >
< td>Not Applicable</td><td>Not Applicable</td >
< /tr >
< /table >
< /div >
< div id=”strength” >
< h3>Strengths:</h 3>
< ul >
< li>Strong Analytical and Problem Solving abilities</li >
< li>Interpersonal Skills</li><li>Flexibility and Adaptability</li >
< li>Quick Learner</li><li>Hard Working</li><li>Responsible</li > </ul>
< /div >
< iframe src=”objective.html” width=”700″ height=”100″></iframe > <
h3>Places for Higher Studies:</h 3>
< ul >
< li><a href=’’>Harvard University</a></li >
< li><a href=’’>Stanford University</a></li >
< li >
< a href=’’ >
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) < /a
< /li >
< li><a href=’’>University of California, Berkeley</a></li
> < li><a href=’’>University of Cambridge</a></li > </ul>
< /body >
< /html >
< html >
< body >
< b><i>Objective</i></b >
< br/ >
To bring to your organization enthusiasm, dedication, responsibility, and good work
ethic, combined with a desire to utilize my skills. < /p >
< /body >
< /html >
Thank you
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