A teacher has five students who have taken four tests. The teacher uses the following grading scale to assign a letter grade to a student, based on the average of his or her four test scores. Write a program, Pseudo code and draw a TOE chart and -Flowchart that uses an array of string objects to hold the five student names, an array of one character to hold the five students’ letter grades, and five arrays of doubles to hold each student’s set of test scores and average score. The program should allow the user to enter each student’s name and his or her four test scores. The program should store each student’s information in the arrays [20 points]. It should then calculate and display each student’s average test score [20 points] and a letter grade based on the average [20 points]. Input Validation: Do not accept test scores less than 0 or greater than
Pseudo code
Read the five student names from the user.
Read the student four test scores.
Add student’s information to the arrays
Calculate each student’s average test score
Calculate each student’s letter grade based on the average
Display each student’s name, average test score and letter grade
TOE chart
VB.NET code:
Module Module1
Function readStudentScores(ByRef studentNumber As Integer, ByRef testScores() As Double)
Console.Write("Enter the student name " + studentNumber.ToString() + ": ")
Dim name = Console.ReadLine()
For i As Integer = 0 To 3
testScores(i) = -1
While testScores(i) < 0 Or testScores(i) > 100
Console.Write("Enter the test score " + (i + 1).ToString() + ": ")
testScores(i) = Double.Parse(Console.ReadLine())
End While
Return name
End Function
Function calculateAverageScore(ByVal scores() As Double)
Dim sumAllScores As Double = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To 3
sumAllScores += scores(i)
Return sumAllScores / 4
End Function
Private Function calculateGrade(ByVal avrg As Double) As Char
If avrg >= 90 Then
Return "A"
End If
If avrg >= 80 Then
Return "B"
End If
If avrg >= 70 Then
Return "C"
End If
If avrg >= 60 Then
Return "D"
End If
Return "F"
End Function
Sub Main()
Dim studentNames(4) As String
Dim studentGrades(4) As Char
Dim studentScores1(3) As Double
Dim studentScores2(3) As Double
Dim studentScores3(3) As Double
Dim studentScores4(3) As Double
Dim studentScores5(3) As Double
Dim studentScoresAverages(4) As Double
studentNames(0) = readStudentScores(1, studentScores1)
studentNames(1) = readStudentScores(2, studentScores2)
studentNames(2) = readStudentScores(3, studentScores3)
studentNames(3) = readStudentScores(4, studentScores4)
studentNames(4) = readStudentScores(5, studentScores5)
studentScoresAverages(0) = calculateAverageScore(studentScores1)
studentScoresAverages(1) = calculateAverageScore(studentScores2)
studentScoresAverages(2) = calculateAverageScore(studentScores3)
studentScoresAverages(3) = calculateAverageScore(studentScores4)
studentScoresAverages(4) = calculateAverageScore(studentScores5)
For i As Integer = 0 To 4
studentGrades(i) = calculateGrade(studentScoresAverages(i))
Console.WriteLine(vbNewLine + "{0,-15}{1,-25}{2,-25}", "Name", "Average test score", "Letter grade")
For i As Integer = 0 To 4
Console.WriteLine("{0,-15}{1,-25}{2,-25}", studentNames(i), studentScoresAverages(i), studentGrades(i))
End Sub
End Module
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