we are expected to identify any organization (bank, school, supermarket etc.). For the identified organization, we are expected to come up with a system that has the following components
- Login page(login should be based on user name and passwords stored in a database)
- Splash form for the organization
- AN MDI form for the organization whereby all the other forms are supposed to run in
- MDI should contain the appropriate menus to navigate the system
- The application should have at least one master form (e.g. customer, student, staff e.tc). The data captured from this form should be stored in a database. The form should also have an option whereby the user can retrieve the database from the database and display it for the user to see all the records
- The splash form will load first, then call the login. After the user has been authenticated, he/she should access the MDI. Any non authenticated user should not access the MDI form
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you guys are the best stiill
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