Use the following command to install packages required for DNS:
yum -y install bind-chroot bind-utils
There are some sample files on cntserv in /home/exercises/named-config.tgz. You can scp them from there to your server and extract them. HINT: If you are running scp on your system to copy the files down you cannot use the cntserv name unless you made the host file entry in module 6. If not, you need to use cntserv’s private IP:
Extract the sample files from named-config.tgz.
Copy the sample named.conf into /etc. You will overwrite the existing file. Modify it for your domain and IP. Your domain should be abc1234.lab where you use your cntserv username for abc1234.
Copy the sample zone file into /var/named/data. Modify it for your domain and IP. Your domain should be abc1234.lab where you use your cntserv username for abc1234.
Start the named service.
Modify the firewall to let the DNS traffic in from any source.
Service report
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