The program displays Five members of the band. The codes for five-star band members are John Lennon, Angus Young, Freddie Mercury, Debbie Harry, and Kurt Cobain are JL, AY, FM, DH, KC respectively.
Then the program invites to type three codes out of these five (the codes may be typed in any sequence.
The user types of these codes separating them by spaces.
The program displays a menu with these three codes and asks to choose one of them.
The user types the number of a chosen code in the list; the user will be able to type numbers until it is one of these three codes.
The program displays the code with a comment on the same line and then, starting from the next line, displays a 3-4 lines description of that player. The description is taken from a file, which is stored in a directory. If the file with that name is absent or not readable, the program informs the user about that and returns him/her to Step 4.
The program asks whether the eight previous steps described above, (4) to (11), should be repeated.
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