Consider the following relational database schema which records suppliers and items supplied by suppliers. Supplier supply many items and an item is supplied by many suppliers for different prices. item (itemNo: varchar (10), description: varchar(30), QuantityInHand: Integer) supply (sno: varchar (10), itemNo: varchar (10), UnitPrice: float, quantity: integer) supplier (sno: varchar(10), name: varchar(50), address: varchar(30)) Supplier table has attributes supplier number (sno), name and address. Supply table consists of supplier number, item number, price and quantity supplied. Item table has attributes, item number (itemNo), description and Quantity in hand. Write relational SQL statements to answer the following questions. a) List all items which are supplied by ‘Swan suppliers’ with more than 20 quantities. List item number, description, supplied quantity and unit price of an item. b) List suppliers that do not supply the item ‘Manuscript Books’. List the supplier number and name.
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