Create a mini quiz game program that asks the user three question.The starting score is 10 points.If the answer is incorrect,1poing is deducted from the score
point = 0
print('The capital of Russia')
print('a) London')
print('b) Moscow')
print('c) Saint-Peterburg')
point = point + (10 if input() == 'b' else (-1))
print('The value of PI')
print('a) 2.67')
print('b) 4.12')
print('c) 3.14')
point = point + (10 if input() == 'c' else (-1))
print('Number of days in a year')
print('a) 123/124')
print('b) 234/235')
print('c) 365/366')
point = point + (10 if input() == 'c' else (-1))
print('Your score {}/30'.format(point))
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