Suppose you went to a coffee shop and you want to drink some coffee. You
decided to drink n cup of coffee, where n is an integer value greater than
0. Now you have to pay m taka for the first cup of coffee, 2m taka for the
second cup, 3m takas for the third cup, and so on. In other words, you have
to pay i*m taka for the i-th cup of coffee.
Now you have k taka in your pocket. How many takas do you need to borrow
from your friend to buy n cup of coffee?
The first input in the sample input contains the cost of the first cup of
coffee which can be denoted as m. The second input is the number of coffees
you want to drink, n. The third input is k, the initial amount of taka you
have. You have to calculate how much money you have to borrow from your
friend. If you have more or equal amount of money that is needed than print
n = int(input("Enter n no. of coffie: "))
m = int(input("Enter m taka value: "))
k = int(input("Enter k taka in your pocket: "))
Sum = 0
for r in range(1,n+1):
Sum = Sum + (r*m)
print("Total cost of ",n,"no. of coffie = ",Sum)
if(k >=Sum):
print("No amount needs to be borrowed")
print("Amount to be borrowed: ",Sum-k)
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