Write a python program to design a class representing complex numbers and having the functionality of performing addition & multiplication of two complex numbers using operator overloading
class Complex(object):
def __init__(self, real, imaginary):
self.real = real
self.imaginary = imaginary
def __add__(self, num):
return Complex(self.real + num.real, self.imaginary + num.imaginary)
def __mul__(self, num):
x = self.real
y = self.imaginary
u = num.real
v = num.imaginary
real = x * u - y * v
img = x * v + y * u
return Complex(real, img)
def __str__(self):
sign = '+' if self.imaginary >= 0 else '-'
result = "%.2f %s %.2fi" % (self.real, sign, abs(self.imaginary))
return result
# put this code in a main method
Inp = (str(input("Enter the first complex No. (Real and Imag followed by space: "))).split(" ")
C = [0]*2
C[0] = float(Inp[0])
C[1] = float(Inp[1])
Inp = (str(input("Enter the second complex No. (Real and Imag followed by space: "))).split(" ")
D = [0]*2
D[0] = float(Inp[0])
D[1] = float(Inp[1])
x = Complex(*C)
y = Complex(*D)
print("Result of Complex Number Addition :",x+y)
print("Result of Complex Number Multiplication:",x*y)
Python Output:
Enter the first complex No. (Real and Imag followed by space: 3 4
Enter the second complex No. (Real and Imag followed by space: 5 3
Result of Complex Number Addition : 8.00 + 7.00i
Result of Complex Number Multiplication: 3.00 + 29.00i
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