Magic number: If the summation of even indexed digits is equal to the summation of odd indexed digits, then the number is
a magic number.
Now, write a Python program that will take a string of numbers where each number is separated by a comma. The program should
print a tuple containing two sub-tuples, where the first sub-tuple will hold the magic numbers and the second sub-tuple will hold
the non-magic numbers.
Sample Input1:
"1232, 4455, 1234, 9876, 1111"
Sample Output1:
((1232, 4455, 1111), (1234, 9876))
def is_magic(x):
x =abs(x)
even_sum = 0
odd_sum = 0
odd = True
while x > 0:
d = x % 10
x = x // 10
if odd:
odd = False
odd_sum += d
odd = True
even_sum += d
return odd_sum == even_sum
def separate_num(line):
L = [int(s) for s in line.split(',')]
magic = []
non_magic = []
for x in L:
if is_magic(x):
return tuple(magic), tuple(non_magic)
def main():
line = input()
result = separate_num(line)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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