Maximum Product of the Digits
Given a range represented by two positive integers L and R. Find the number lying in the range having the maximum product of the digits.
The first line of input will be an integer, denoting the number of test cases T.
The next T lines will contain two space-separated integers, denoting the L and R.
The output should be T lines containing the the number with the maximum product of the digits in the range L and R for each test case.
For example, if the given T is 2, read the L and R of the first test case in the next line. If the given L and R are 1 and 10 respectively. As 9 is the number with the maximum product of digits, the output for the first test case should be 9.
If the L and R are 15 to 30 respectively. The product of the digits of number 29 is 18. As 18 is the maximum product in the range, the output should be 29.
Sample Input 1
1 10
15 30
Sample Output 1
Sample Input 2
100 200
51 62
10 30
20 80
Sample Output 2
def prod(k):
pr = 1
for d in str(k):
pr *= int(d)
return pr
rez = []
for _ in range(int(input())):
mn, mx = map(int, input().split())
rez.append(max(range(mn, mx + 1), key=prod))
print(*rez, sep='\n')
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