Write a PYTHON program to find the path with the largest sum. Tree can be in N level and draw the binary tree and accept a perfect and imperfect binary tree as an option from the user.
Enter the level of binary tree:4
This code generates binary tree with minimum 4 levels
The maximum sum is 341
The maximum sum path is 65 89 83 53 51
Enter the level of binary tree:2
This code generates binary tree with minimum 2 levels
The maximum sum is 341
The maximum sum path is 65 89 83 53 51
----Both the sum values are same..but i want based on levels
def printPath(root, sum):
if sum == 0:
return True
if root is None:
return False
left = printPath(root.left, sum - root.data)
right = printPath(root.right, sum - root.data)
if left or right:
print(root.data, end=' ')
return left or right
def getRootToLeafSum(root):
if root is None:
return 0
left = getRootToLeafSum(root.left)
right = getRootToLeafSum(root.right)
return (left if left > right else right) + root.data
def findMaxSumPath(root):
sum = getRootToLeafSum(root)
print("The maximum sum is:", sum)
print("The maximum sum path is :", end=' ')
printPath(root, sum)
def Rnode():
height=int(input("Enter the level of Binary tree:"))
print("level of Binary value between 0-9")
def print_tree(nodes):
from binarytree import build
b_tree = build(nodes)
# This main method of given program to call Rnode() function
if __name__ == '__main__':
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