Activity #5 – Applying Functions The output of this activity will be the same as activity #3 but instead you are required to use a function for the following algorithm:
1. A function for getting the length of each string
2. A function to get the shortest string
3. And a function to get the longest string Assume that each string has its own unique length.
Sample Run:
Sample Run A
Enter value of X: 3
Enter string value: a
Enter string value: ab
Enter string value: abc
a - total length is 1
ab - total length is 2
abc - total length is 3
The shortest string is a
The longest string is abc
Sample Run B
Enter value of X: 4
Enter string value: chico
Enter string value: strawberry
Enter string value: banana
Enter string value: guyabano
chico - total length is 5
strawberry - total length is 10
banana - total length is 6
guyabano - total length is 8
The shortest string is chico
The longest string is strawberry
#A function for getting the length of a string
def string_length(my_string):
return len(my_string)
#A function to get the longest string
def shortest_string(my_length_list, my_strings_list):
shortest_lengthr = my_length_list[0]
index_for_shortest = 0;
for element in my_length_list:
if element < shortest_lengthr:
shortest_lengthr = element
index_for_shortest = my_length_list.index(element)
return my_strings_list[index_for_shortest]
#A function to get the longest string
def longest_string(my_length_list, my_strings_list):
longest_length = my_length_list[0]
index_for_longest = 0;
for element in my_length_list:
if element > longest_length:
longest_length = element
index_for_longest = my_length_list.index(element)
return my_strings_list[index_for_longest]
#Prompt the user to enter the number of strings
x = int(input("Enter value of X: "))
#Declare a list to store the strings
my_string_list = []
#Declare a list to store the lengths of the strings
my_string_list_lengths = []
#Prompt the user to enter all the strings
for i in range(0,x):
my_string = input("Enter string value ")
#append the length to the length list
my_string_length = string_length(my_string)
#Print all the strings with their length
for element in my_string_list:
print(element+" - Total length is "+str(string_length(element)))
print("\nThe shortest string is "+shortest_string(my_string_list_lengths,my_string_list))
print("The longest string is "+longest_string(my_string_list_lengths,my_string_list))
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