You are assisting a Coffee Shop create a program to run at their kiosk for customers to purchase their items. You will create a program to create a dictionary of their current coffee products and prices:
Coffee item Price
Hot brew $4.25
Latte 4.75
Mocha 4.99
Cold brew 3.95
Cappuccino 4.89
Donut 1.50
Create a program in Python to accept input from a customer inquiring what item they would like to purchase. Customers can purchase more than one item. Test to see if the item they request is in your dictionary – if not display a message that you don’t currently carry that item. Total up the costs of all the items they wish to purchase and then display to them their total bill, including 7% tax.
drinks = {
'Hot brew': 4.25,
'Latte': 4.75,
'Mocha': 4.99,
'Cold brew': 3.95,
'Cappuccino': 4.89,
'Donut': 1.50
tax = 0.07
# example input: 'Mocha, Donut'
inp = input('Enter the names of the drinks, separated by commas with space: ').split(', ')
[print('We don\'t have {0}'.format(x)) for x in inp if x not in drinks]
price = sum([drinks[x] for x in inp if x in drinks])
price += round(price * tax, 2)
print('Total price: {0}'.format(price))
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