Given a sentence as input, find all the unique combinations of two words and print the word combinations that are not adjacent in the original sentence in lexicographical order.Input
The input will be a single line containing a sentence.Output
The output should be multiple lines, each line containing a valid unique combination of two words. The words in each line should be lexicographical order and the lines as well should be in lexicographical order. A valid combination will not contain the words that appear adjacent in the given sentence. Print "No Combinations" if there are no valid combinations.
#Python 3.9.5
def combinationsWords(user_str):
words = user_str.split()
words_result = []
words_adjacent =[]
for i in range(len(words)-1):
for i in range(len(words)):
for j in range(i+2,len(words)):
word = sorted([words[i],words[j]])
if word not in words_result and word not in words_adjacent :
if words_result:
for item in sorted(words_result):
print("No Combinations")
user_str = input('Enter a string with words: ')
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