How to explain this code?
def readAccounts(accounts,fileName):
  pathlibPath = pathlib.Path(fileName)
  if pathlibPath.exists():
    with open(fileName,'r+') as file:
      accountData = json.load(file)
      for account in accountData:
#create a function readAccounts with two arguments, accounts and fileName
def readAccounts(accounts,fileName):
#declare a variable pathlibPath to hold the path of the file
 pathlibPath = pathlib.Path(fileName)
#check if the file exists
 if pathlibPath.exists():
  #open the file
  with open(fileName,'r+') as file:
  #load the content of the file to a variable accountData
   accountData = json.load(file)
   for account in accountData:
    #set informationÂ
    #append the information accountFromFile to accounts
#call the main function
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