Given two dates D1 and D2, write a program to count the number of Saturdays and Sundays from D1 to D2 (including D1 and D2).
The date in string format is like "8 Feb 2021".Input
The first line of input will contain date D1 in the string format.
The second line of input will contain date D2 in the string format.Output
The output should be a single line containing two integers separated by space.Explanation
For example, if the given dates are "25 Jan 2021" and "14 Feb 2021", the Saturdays and Sundays dates from "25 Jan 2021" to "14 Feb 2021" are
"30 Jan 2021" is a Saturday
"31 Jan 2021" is a Sunday
"6 Feb 2021" is a Saturday
"7 Feb 2021" is a Sunday
"13 Feb 2021" is a Saturday
"14 Feb 2021" is a Sunday
So the output should be
Saturday: 3
Sunday: 3
import datetime as tm
print("Enter dates like: 8 Feb 2021")
start = tm.datetime.strptime(input('Start date:'), '%d %b %Y')
end = tm.datetime.strptime(input('End date:'), '%d %b %Y')
day = tm.timedelta(days=1)
saturdays = 0
sundays = 0
while start <= end:
if start.isoweekday() == 6:
saturdays += 1
if start.isoweekday() == 7:
sundays += 1
start += day
print('satudays:', saturdays)
print('sundays:', sundays)
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