Given a string, write a program to mirror the characters of the string in alphabetical order to create a secret message.
Note: Mirroring the characters in alphabetical order replacing the letters 'a' with 'z', 'b' with 'y', ... , 'z' with 'a'. You need to mirror both uppercase and lowercase characters. You can ignore mirroring for all characters that are not letters.
abcdefghijklmzyxwvutsrqpon nopqrstuvwxyzmlkjihgfedcbaInput
The input will be a string in the single line containing spaces and letters (both uppercase and lowercase).Output
The output should be a single line containing the secret message. All characters in the output should be in lower case.
For example, if the given input is "python", "p" should replaced with "k", similarly "y" with "b", "t" with "g", "h" with "s", "o" with "l", "n" with "m". So the output should be "kbgslm".
alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
table = dict()
for letter, new_letter in zip(alphabet, alphabet[::-1]):
table[ord(letter)] = new_letter
s = input('Input string: ')
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